New ad placement controls, and upcoming Google Analytics 4 updates

Your brand is nothing without an audience.

So make sure you’re reaching them: Google just made it a little easier to reach your target audience with new query match tools that give you more control over your ads, namely:

  • Brand inclusions. Choose which brands your ads should appear alongside—but only in broad match campaigns.
  • Brand exclusions. Block your ads from showing up in certain brand searches while still getting broad match benefits.
  • Misspelled queries. Reports will now show more misspelled queries, and you can block all variations of unwanted keywords in one go.

For example, if you want your ads to show up under “music streaming,” but only for select brands, you can add those to your brand inclusions.

On the flip side, you can also stop ads from showing next to particular brands, too. Pretty handy.

Of course, once you’ve got them, you need to track them.

And hopefully that’s getting easier, too, thanks to these Google Analytics 4 (GA4) updates:

  • AI-generated insights will break down complex data.
  • Data tracking from both Google and non-Google sources, such as Reddit.
  • New ways to monitor and plan your budget.
  • New tech to help you comply with privacy rules and keep up with the lack of third-party cookies.

All these tools will be rolling out over the next few weeks. Once they’re here, we’ll let you know.

Because you already migrated from Universal Analytics… right?

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