Google now matches data in Analytics and Ads, additional steps required to comply with privacy laws, and more

What do you do when Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Ads give you different numbers?

Never mind, it’s a thing of the past: A new update now aligns GA4 and Google Ads, giving you matching stats. At last…

The new “Advertising segments” panel shows your segment sizes more coherently, helping you better understand your ad audience and hopefully end confusion.

Speaking of your audience: Are you getting their permission?

In the EU, Google is requiring extra steps for advertisers when it comes to “consent signals” to comply with privacy laws.

You can use the Google Ads API, the Partners and Audience Partner API, enter permission information manually, or use conversion-based customer lists.

If you don’t, Google will pump the breaks on how many personalized ads you can show.

And now, more rules: The American Privacy Rights Act has long been planning to restrict advertisers from showing ads to users who perform certain actions on a website.

The block is receiving a lot of backlash from marketers who say it’ll make it harder to connect with their audiences and cut them off from desired products.

So far, the lawmakers have flip-flopped on whether this new rule should be opt-in or opt-out.

We’ll keep you posted on where this goes.

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